返回第41章 Prologue(引子)(1 / 2)猫武士之雷电传奇首页

the frest as very quiet at nightthe night sky as tinkling ith a yriad f stars,like a single blink f an eyea strea fled quietly,ith sft nlight shne n it,gled ith silver

a shaggy grey sheat sat beside the strea,lked at the distane ith narred eyesstarlight shne arund her

a little hile later,a glden tabby t ae slly arss the streahe als had a flikering f light arund hi

“linheart,yure late”the sheat said disntentedly, squinting at hi

“didnt i e first even if i as late dnt rry,yellfang”the t alled linheart said evenly,sat beside the sheat

yellfang stared at linheart ith her aber eyes,but at last she held bak“surely yu kn hy i alled yu herethe ne prphey has appeared”she said ithut hesitatin

“h hat prphey”linheart beae serius

yellfang tk a deep breath“ell, a……”befre she uld finish, anther blak sheat ith green eyes juped ut f the bush,and sat dn ungraiusly beside linheart

“hell, hllyleaf”linheart greeted her

“in that ase, ill ait until all the ats are here”yellfang lked a little annyed

sn, a flaelred t and a bluegrey sheat ae alng side by side they ere thunderlans t frer leaders firestar and bluestar they lked ysterius and dignified in the nlight

eanhile, re and re ats appeared arund felud ,lngtail, usefur, inderpelt, hitestr, redtail ……

“is there any at left”yellfang lked arund and said,“great i alled yu tday t say……”

“hey,ait fr e”suddenly, a beautiful silver sheat juped ut and alked up and dn beside felud

“feathertail!”bluestar exlaied disntentedly,“yu ere riverlan”

“its all right”feathertail blinked,“dnt frget, i als have thunderlan bld”she plpped dn beside inderpelt

yellfang as interrupted again and again,s she felt very annyed she glared at feathertail,but sighed at last and said:“fine its abut all fur lans anyay”